Friday, April 10, 2009

Cool Time, Pool Time!

Ok guys, that last post was just a test. See, now I know, based on the outrage from my public, that what you really want is me, not stuff about my dad. Ever. It's good to know.

I forgot to mention a couple more of the things I like, or that I at least pay lots of attention to when they happen:
Flight of the Conchords music videos (I'm serious)
Strong bad email #184 (come on, you know you want to)
going to the pool (and almost biting the dust. see the second video)

So here's a couple of videos of me at the way awesome pool we have at out complex. The weather's getting to where I can go a few times a week, although I probably won't go again until at least Monday, since it's raining today.

Update: Don't worry about my little spill in the pool. I'm okay. All are present and accounted for.

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